In most commercial buildings, more than thirty percent of the energy that you end up paying for in your electricity bill went to waste. This is just an estimate, but it should show you how much money people lose every month to energy wastage. The longer you stay without installing new energy-saving appliances, the higher your electricity bill will get. Listed here are just a couple of the most important things to do in order to help you minimize energy wastage.
The most important tip would be hiring the services of a reputable energy-saving firm. They will have all the equipment and skills necessary to make your building as energy efficient as can be. They will also be in a position to acquire new energy-saving appliances for you at a lower price because of their relationship with the suppliers. Making your building energy efficient is not a project for DIY. Let the professionals do their part, and you get busy doing your job and advancing the business.
There are, however, some measures that you can take to improve on the efficient use of energy as a service in your building. The most important of all is lighting. Most people think that switching off and on a light bulb will waste more energy compared to leaving it on. This is a common myth, and it has led to a lot of energy wastage. All lights should be off if no one is in the building, or no one is using them.
The other avenue for energy wastage is on the heating and cooling systems. HVAC systems are prone to high energy consumption. This is even made worse if the heating and cooling system is not regularly maintained or is prone to breaking down. Dust and other substances will cling to the coils of the AC, which will mean that you use more energy. It is irrational to leave the HVAC systems running when there is no one in the building. For more facts about energy, visit this website at
The final tip is doing an energy audit and also upgrading your equipment if need be. Get an expert to come and assess how much energy each equipment is consuming, and if an energy-efficient upgrade can be found. This applies to all the equipment you use at the office from your HVAC to even the lighting.
These simple tips will help you cut down on energy wastage in any commercial building, and bringing an expert on commercial energy efficiency companies to guide you through is highly recommended.